How to Add a New Webpage to your Shopify Online Store

September 20, 2021 | ArenaCommerce Account
How to Add a New Webpage to your Shopify Online Store
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Shopify is one of the world most developed e-commerce platform helping you grow your business. By creating a website based on Shopify, your customers will find your web contents included introductory, contact information, collection, product, service, etc. Each content page has its own URL link so it is called a web page. Web pages are the crucial parts of a website which provide customers important information about your business. Therefore, it will be more satisfied for your customers to know all needed information on your website. 

There are some steps showing you how to add a new webpage to your online store on Shopify.

How to add a new webpage to your Shopify online store

  • Step 1: Go to online store and pages
  • Step 2: Click Add page
  • Step 3: Enter the title and content
  • Step 4: Select the visibility
  • Step 5: Save


Step 1: Go to online store and pages

You need to login your Shopify admin account first > press on the Online store > Click the third option called Pages 









Step 2: Click Add page

You'll be moved to a page that shows all your pages on your online storefront, then click Add page at the upper right corner on the screen. 


Step 3: Enter the title and content

Make sure you prepared an appropriate title and content for the page you want to add. Then enter the words into the Title and Content boxes to complete the information.


Step 4: Select the visibility

Visibility feature is placed in the right corner on the screen, this is for customizing the visibility of the webpage on the storefront. The default setting is set the page to be visible from the current time. There are two options, to display the time with Visible button radio or hide it with Hidden one. 

Moreover, click Set visibility date under if you want to set another specific time instead of the default setting. A calendar and time listing will appear when you click on the date and time boxes.


Step 5: Save

Once you complete all the steps above, remember to save the data by click Save button in the very right corner of the screen. 








After saving the data, you'll be informed that you've successfully created a webpage. Henceforth, it will be shown as a page section with specific URL link on your site. 









Now it won't be hard for you to create a webpage on your online shopping store. Hope this writing benefits your business.